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Do not handle your Cheap Halloween Costumes – there may be some technical tips that you can try this horror movie ensemble. A video of a mask that unlocks iPhone X may prove that the face ID may not necessarily be 100% accurate. If you want to try a similar scenario, it’s time to relive all Halloween.

Vietnamese cyber security company Bkav hopes to put the much-anticipated smartphone on the test. Since Apple’s keynote address in September, technicians have been humming face recognition because it replaced the main screen of the previous device and replaced the cryptosystem. The possibility of breaking into X is very small, so people are more determined.

Bkav’s mask is a mixture of 3D printing, make-up and 2D images that look creepy but at a fraction of the cost. About $ 150, the company was able to create a mask that beat Apple’s new security system. The company’s members bought an iPhone X on Nov. 5 – two days after the sale, they were able to figure out how to crack the system within a week.

If you think Freddy and Jason have the ability to give you nightmares, wait until you see what this creepy mask can do.

Bkav Although some humor, but seriously consider this one of the major security vulnerabilities. The company gives a brief description of the test on the site, explaining how they make all their work. According to Bkav’s question and answer, that’s why the hacker is important:

Potential goals should not be regular users, but agents such as billionaires, big business leaders, state leaders and the FBI need to understand face recognition. Competitors from security companies, business competitors to the company, and even countries may benefit from our PoCs.
Bkav went on to say

The FBI, the CIA, leaders of various countries, leaders of major corporations, etc. face our slogan. It is something that needs to be known because their device is an attempt worth unlawful unlocking. For ordinary users, development is difficult, but for professional users it is easy.
This is not the Face ID first encounter.

Mashable decided to put the gadget on the test with the help of two twins, MJ and Marc Franklin, and Carlos and Alex Cadorniga. The brothers grunted, just then. This guy can talk to siblings’ phones not only through Face ID, but also to do it twice. The device was easily unlocked, and private notes and texts were quickly taken away, which could be a big nuisance in the brotherhood.

However, the commercial insider tries the same trick with identical twins, 36-year-old Greg and Brian Fieber, but the device exceeds them. Greg said to the Insider: “I was really shocked that the iPhone X really made the difference between my brother and me, considering that some of our own family members could not separate us.” So, Yes, knowing that Brian can not break into my iPhone X, I can not break into my brother.

If you are willing to work hard, there is definitely a way to get the best out of your device. For non-hackers who want to enjoy Face ID, you definitely need to get started with Animojis – a new way to communicate that lets emojis mimic your look. This is a prerequisite for all messages to move forward.

Time will tell Apple how to respond to smart predators who seem to bypass the iPhone X’s new security measures. Until then, enjoy your Animojis and keep your phone away from anyone who looks threatening.

View the entire Gen Gen series and other videos on Facebook, as well as the Bustle app on Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.


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