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Halloween is just a few hours away, and you may want to know if you should wear the clothes you plan to go to the office tomorrow, or wait until 5 pm.

Courtland Hickey, general manager of Chicago Apparel, said: “Clothing has become more culturally acceptable in the past 10 years.”

Chicago clothing company has been making costumes for theaters, tricks or corporate events for 40 years, and Hickey has been on both sides of workplace clothing – he helps clients find the perfect look and set the rules for his creative staff. it is good.

Here are some suggestions to consider when assembling a workplace to prepare clothing:

1. Make sure your office really encourages dressing up
The final trick is to appear in elaborate outfits and find that your office doesn’t celebrate Halloween. Before putting any time or energy into the costume, Hickey says to check to make sure your office has a culture of dressing up. If you are new to the team, you can also ask other colleagues to plan to match their clothing level on Halloween.

Once you turn on the green light, make sure you can perform your job duties in your outfit. “One thing I told employees is that you have to be able to work in it,” Hickey said. “If it prevents you from doing what you need to do, you can’t wear this outfit.”

If you work in a customer-facing role, double-check the meetings that may take place that day and plan accordingly. Your colleague may have no problem with your outfit, but consider how international customers who read a weekly video conference will read it.

2. Make sure you are “SFW”
Wearing “safe work” clothing should be the most important. Controversial or political, or teasing people in your office is completely forbidden.

The same applies to sexy or provocative clothing – even if you have a casual office or a close team, be careful.

3. Consider comfort
The typical working day is eight hours, probably longer than most people wearing Halloween costumes or attending parties.

Think about how your clothes will feel all day long. How do makeup weather commute in the morning? Do you want to wear your outfit all day, or change your clothes? If you work in the office at your desk most of the day, how does your clothing look from the desktop? Can you take a mask to answer the phone, or should you leave it at home?

Hickey said that in addition to being suitable and able to complete your work, you should feel comfortable with your clothes. If it will hinder your comfort all day, then it’s best to reconsider.

4. Focus on creativity
Putting creative outfits together is not only enjoyable, but also has other benefits at work. A study shows that people wearing Halloween costumes at work are happier than those who are not wearing Halloween costumes.

Hickey says that a smart Halloween costume can help you professionally. “This may impress your boss.”

If you know that your boss is a huge Star Wars fan, you can get some extra points when you come to work at your best Darth Vader. In the end, a smart, appropriate Halloween costume can help you better understand your colleagues. “You can see that you have more common interests,” Hickey said.


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