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As the sun sets down South Lake Tahoe, the volume and lights of Hard Rock Hotel and Casino come on stage, with talented dancers on show off their spectators at the resort’s new resident show, Electrify: Rock N Roll Burlesque.

Sultry choreographed with classic rock and roll toe percussion performances featuring male and female dancers, air novelists and Queen’s star host “Assley Stone.”

“The show is a high-energy, slightly smoke-producing one that heats up, but surprisingly, this entertainment is different from anything else, and guests will be able to go out and enjoy a unique performance that will They bring to the rock world they want to tell their friends, “said Brandie Warr, Hard Rock Communications Manager.

Last Thursday, December 28, marks the first performance of Halloween Costumes Outlet a rehearsal.

The dancers provided heat to a sold-out crowd, and in the duo dancing in the air, two pretty sequined women started spinning the night on a giant metal guitar.

“This is a great show, no, it’s great,” said Reno native Sharon Herman, who went to Stateline with her boyfriend and saw the number.

She added: “They mixed everything together, the rock music and the changes in dress up, the transition was very good, the dancers pulled them all together.

Hermann and friends who have watched the show say that both male and female performers are exciting performances for everyone in the audience.

Herman said: “It’s a great dating nightlife project and everyone has something – I like these Halloween Costumes Outlet.

In addition to covering a range of classic rock and roll hit songs, the show also pays tribute to decades of rock culture, including nods to “Wayne’s World” and “Grease,” and Michael Jackson, the “missionary’s son,” mimics , LED clothing at power outages, poi spinners, “Acid Tour” themed on Alice in Wonderland, and much more.

Electrify’s performance shows skillful skills for technical dance, and impeccable challenging dance shows make the audience laugh, clap and howl.

This program is designed for 21 or more people.

With the song set up, dancers can use every inch of multi-level package, a large number of props for each theme.

In her day-to-day activities, Ms. Stone chatted with superstars, relaxed the audience and took people to the stage to take part in some fun activities, making everyone laugh at her solo and over-scrawled Derrière.

The dancers are all alone, paired with women, men and women and actresses, and trapeze pairs in pairs, twisted and intertwined through the hanging props and choreographed into the air.

After the performance, the two dancers Mikaela Meredith and Sarah Sperber mixed in the auditorium, taking pictures and answering questions.

The two women came from Reno, who joined the show together. Meredith said she has a dance background, she left to pursue another career, but ended up on the stage.

Sperber distributed time between Reno and South Lake Tahoe, opened an air studio called Sky Dance Studio in Reno, and has performed for the past eight years.


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