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Fourteen staff members in the Idaho School District, who wore satirical costumes depicting Mexicans and a border wall with the words “Let America be great again,” have enjoyed paid vacations.

Middleton School District Director Josh Middleton announced the decision at a special school board meeting on Saturday.

After the announcement, the board of directors entered the executive meeting, which was not open to the public.

Tim Winkle, chairman of the board, said the clothing was part of the team building activity after school.

According to the Idaho Press, the photographed staff was selected as the winner of the competition to determine who could best depict a country based on stereotypes.

According to Idaho media reports, Winkel said that he did not forgive the behavior of the staff.

The photo was posted to the Facebook page in the area on Thursday night and was deleted, but the screenshot captured a viral image.

Middleton is located approximately 34 miles (55 km) west of Boise and has 7,500 inhabitants. The school district provides immigration education programs.


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