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For Halloween apparel suppliers, determining the hottest trends requires some skill and a lot of luck.
With the changing tastes of customers and the immediate and strong opposition to social media, the key to retailers is speed.
Superman Agent 2 and Pineapple Apparel seem to be hot this Halloween.
Underwear supplier and sexy Halloween costume maker Yandy spent three days from creative to product execution on the sexy Op-Ed anonymous Halloween costume in 2018.
“The timetable is always critical, and we work very quickly in these areas,” said Yand’s vice president of merchandising sales, Pilar Quintana-Williams. “During Halloween, we have the mentality of ‘full deputy’.”
Forecasting All Hallows Eve’s hottest trends can be tricky for retailers and full of potential political pitfalls as Yandy discovers his brave red girl costume. After the popular Hulu show “The Story of the Maid”, these costumes were accused by the client at the end of last month of the company’s “a show about the phenomenon of misogyny and rape” and were eliminated.
Quintana-Williams said that as customers’ tastes fickle and social media immediately responded, the key to retailers was speed, refusing to comment on Brave Red Maiden. This is true whether you are increasing production or removing problematic clothing from the shelves.
Yandy’s “Sexy Op-Ed Anonymous” costume is based on a review article published in the New York Times on September 5th, written by an anonymous senior aide of the Trump administration, who claims to be “part of the resistance.” Dedicated to defeating President Donald Trump.
Quintana-Williams said that after the column began to dominate the week’s news, the idea reached her. It can now be purchased on Yandy’s website – from idea to consumer in less than a month.
“The struggle for our team to have these ideas is how to create a clothing that resonates with customers and is still relevant,” Quintana-Williams said. “The timetable is always important and we work very quickly in these areas.”
For some Halloween apparel suppliers, identifying these trends may be a guessing game.
Halloween Express CEO Brad Butler said the purchase decision will begin immediately after the holiday and last until March. “So there is enough time for the products to be manufactured through the ocean and shipped to the US market,” he said.
“I can’t predict for sure what will be popular or popular. I hope we can do it,” he said.
He said licensing restrictions also limit retailers’ ability to quickly make fashion celebrities or movie characters. Halloween Express sells more than $50 million in clothing and other items every year and is sold in 130 seasonal stores across the United States.
They can solve this problem by making celebrity Halloween “kits” using items that actors, singers or politicians might know and wrapping them together for sale.
“These celebrity kits that are mixed together are usually done using works similar to celebrities, which are very similar to what celebrities know,” Butler said. “In the case of Michael Jackson, sequin gloves are easy to use to convey this idea.”
Camouflage to become the world’s leading apparel company’s apparel company, to send ideas to Hasbro, Disney and other film studios, so its turnaround time is much slower. However, when 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney proposed to cancel the government-funded PBS, the popular children’s program “Sesame Street” homepage, the demand for big bird clothing rose, marketing director Bernice Nessbit Say.
Some of the company’s most popular clothing this year is the “The Incredibles 2” in the summer blockbuster.
Smaller, independent Halloween stores are also trying to keep up the trend.
When Hugh Hefner died in September 2017, the New York-based Halloween Adventure Company ordered Playboy costumes the next day, but it was difficult to keep them in stock at the time, the main buyer, Jodi Lewis.
After the outbreak of Ebola in Africa in 2014, the protective clothing suits worn by the medical staff who treated the patients spread before Halloween. Of course, there are inevitable sexy versions.
Butler believes that because of the advent of news, general-purpose clothing such as dangerous goods suits are easier to produce because there are fewer licensing issues.
Many retailers have yet to see a clear trend this year. For example, Lewis pointed out that pineapple clothing is being removed from her store.
“We don’t know why,” she said, but she noticed that the trend of carving pineapples instead of pumpkins is on the rise.
Retailers may not always accurately predict consumer demand, but they will do their best to do their best.
In the end, Butler said it “returns to intuition, historical perspectives, experience, monitoring of popular cultural trends and news events, and a mix of good fashions.


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