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It is 2018, but … we are here.

Amazon UK and eBay UK have enjoyed a huge rally after social media users recently released “Chinese boy make up” via e-commerce sites. In photos on product pages, clothing is modeled on white children’s “squinting” expressions that are often used to ridicule Asians.

These images have inspired many in Asian society to report on the goods and demand that they be removed from the venue.

The sellers of these apparel are listed on the Amazon as “ATOSA” and “Fyasa”. Although the sellers of these names appear to have sold many other Halloween Costumes Outlet through Amazon, nothing is immediately available.

“Once this listing caught our attention, we immediately removed the item and contacted the seller to inform them that the listing violates eBay’s offensive material policy,” eBay told HuffPost in a statement on Tuesday.

Amazon did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s comment request, but it appears that it has removed the product.

However, Amazon and eBay are still featured in several other racist Halloween Costumes Outlet, including different “Chinese boys” outfits and “Geisha Girls” outfits. In the photos of these two products, these models are praying, a stereotype often used to ridicule Asians.

Amazon and eBay have been criticized for using offensive products sold through the Web site in the past. Earlier this month, Amazon introduced a variety of laptops, baby bibs and other products, including the words “slavery scary.” The two companies were also shot dead in 2015 due to the sale of Halloween costumes by Israeli soldiers, Arab “nose.”


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